Where We Are In Place & Time
Central idea: There are many ways to learn about the world.
1. Form: Maps/models; locations/landmarks
2. Reflection: Ways of knowing
3. Perspective: Homes and stories from around the world
1. Form: Maps/models; locations/landmarks
2. Reflection: Ways of knowing
3. Perspective: Homes and stories from around the world
Notes & Reminders
- New Fundations packets were not sent home this week due our water problem and lack of access to the copier. You can find the documents under the tabs Families, Kindergarten Resources.
- 1/15- PYP K-2 Morning Meeting
- 1/19- No School for Kindergarten
- CIS weekly blog http://bechteldora.weebly.com/
- CIS Weekly Newsletter below
cis_newsletter_week_20.pdf |