Who We Are
Central idea
Children learn about themselves and others by sharing with friends and trying new things.
Lines of inquiry
1. Personal histories
2. Our similarities and differences
3. Being open-minded
Key Concepts
Reflection, Connection, Perspective
Learner Profile
Risk-takers, Open-minded, Reflective
Confidence, Curiousity
Children learn about themselves and others by sharing with friends and trying new things.
Lines of inquiry
1. Personal histories
2. Our similarities and differences
3. Being open-minded
Key Concepts
Reflection, Connection, Perspective
Learner Profile
Risk-takers, Open-minded, Reflective
Confidence, Curiousity
Picture Day was Tuesday and everyone looked so adorable and special in their non-uniform clothes! We also got to preform a song at the
K-2 All School Morning Meeting!
K-2 All School Morning Meeting!
At the K-2 All School Morning Meeting, students were recognized for being caring! They were presented with the "Living the Learner Profile" award. Luke was chosen from our class!
In this planner, we are learning a lot about ourselves and our friends. We are making a lot of connections about things we have in common. Our Ambassador of the Day brings in something from home to share. This week, they started a chart and the Ambassador drew a picture of what they brought. If you made a connection with that person about their item, we signed our name. We talked about how it is okay to not always like all the same things.
I love how excited we are to READ! At the Library Center, we choose good-fit books and practice reading by ourself or to each other.
In Writing Workshop we have been talking about sense words. We will be connecting sense words to word choice in our writing to make it more interesting! We have been looking for sense words in books as we read them this week too!
In Mandarin this week, we learned the vocabulary for family members. We had fun acting out each one too!
We read with our 4th Grade Reading Buddies for the firs time on Thursday! We had so much fun getting to know them, reading to them, and them reading to us! We are so excited to get to do it each week!
Sometimes at CIS, the unexpected happens! Around 3:45pm one day, Christian Kirksey (Linebacker for the Cleveland Browns) showed up to do a meet-and-greet with students! He took pictures and signed autographs too!
Notes & Reminders
- We will get a chance to shop at the Book Fair this week. I have not been told the exact day yet. When I find out, I will send a message via Class Messenger. You can also shop at the Book Fair at the Fall Festival!
- Saturday October 21st Fall Festival 2-4pm
- PYP Book Character Day is Tuesday October 31st. Instead of celebrating Halloween, we celebrate characters in books!
- Choose a character from a book to dress up as who:
- Took action to make the world a better place OR
- Demonstrated one of the Learner Profile Attributes (the list of attributes is posted under the IB tab of the website)
- You must have your book with you on the 31st.
- No masks, weapons, or candy allowed
- Scholastics Books online orders: Please submit orders by the 25th of the month and use this link (class code LZZN6). https://orders.scholastic.com/LZZN6
- CIS weekly blog http://bechteldora.weebly.com/
- CIS Weekly Newsletter below