Who We Are
Central idea
Children learn about themselves and others by sharing with friends and trying new things.
Lines of inquiry
1. Personal histories
2. Our similarities and differences
3. Being open-minded
Key Concepts
Reflection, Connection, Perspective
Learner Profile
Risk-takers, Open-minded, Reflective
Confidence, Curiousity
Children learn about themselves and others by sharing with friends and trying new things.
Lines of inquiry
1. Personal histories
2. Our similarities and differences
3. Being open-minded
Key Concepts
Reflection, Connection, Perspective
Learner Profile
Risk-takers, Open-minded, Reflective
Confidence, Curiousity
At our All School Monday Morning Meeting, the Dance Team was announced and they did a quick performance! Students names were chosen for the Random Acts of Attitudes tickets. Gus from Mrs. Hubney's class was picked! Mrs. Turos also introduced the Holiday Shop!
Thank you to everyone who attended Student-Led Conferences! I hope you were able to get a glimpse of what your child does on a daily basis. I also hope you were able to see how much growth they have made in just 3 months!
We have been sharing about ourselves and learning new things about each other. We interviewed a friend and asked them about some of their favorite things. We took notes and then presented our findings to the class! We also starting sharing our Me Museum items! We talked about our family, things that our special to us and things that make us unique!
Our Pumpkin Jack has not sprouted yet, but we are still observing and taking notes!
We wore orange to help support anti-bullying!
The Fab Lab came on Friday! We had so much fun watching lasers cut wood and even a pumpkin! We also got to decorate our own wood pumpkin!
Notes & Reminders
- PYP Book Character Day is Tuesday October 31st. Instead of celebrating Halloween, we celebrate characters in books!
- Choose a character from a book to dress up as who:
- Took action to make the world a better place OR
- Demonstrated one of the Learner Profile Attributes (the list of attributes is posted under the IB tab of the website)
- You must have your book with you on the 31st.
- No masks, weapons, or candy allowed
- The Kindergarten parade will begin at 2:00 and last until 2:30. We will parade around the playground. Families are welcome to attend. After the parade, we will enjoy a snack outside.
- 11/15 Picture Retake day
- 11/17 Our First Field Trip
We will be headed for a fun Fall adventure. on Friday, November 17. We will explore the Shaker Lakes Nature Center. PLEASE have your child dress for the weather. Dress code pants and long sleeves with a jacket (gloves, hat if necessary). We will go outside even if it is a little wet, so be sure your child has appropriate footwear too. We will eat lunch before we go. I will send a Permission Slip home in the coming weeks. Thank you! - Please continue to practice tying shoes, zipping/buttoning coats, and putting on gloves/hats with your child. I am more than willing to help, but it is hard for me to help 22 of them all at once:)
- Please see the Families tab, then Kindergarten Resources tab for a list of the Sight Words. Please remember that letter recognition and letter sounds should be mastery before drilling Sight Words.
- Please see the CIS Illness Policy below
- Scholastics Books online orders: Please submit orders by the 25th of the month and use this link (class code LZZN6). https://orders.scholastic.com/LZZN6
- CIS weekly blog http://bechteldora.weebly.com/
- CIS Weekly Newsletter below

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